Will Vogt

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AnOther Magazine Feature 'These Americans' ~ London, UK

Honored to be interviewed by Miss Rosen for AnOther Magazine UK

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Paging through his mother’s photo albums as a young boy, Will Vogt developed a profound respect for the ways in which photography could preserve and pass down lore from one generation to the next. In these albums, Vogt saw life through his mother’s eyes. “She was very big on family, history and leaving a mark,” he tells AnOther. “I’m sure that’s why I began taking pictures and that led directly to this practice of making albums. My mother and I were very close and I think I imitated her.”

For his 17th birthday in 1969, Vogt received a Nikkormat camera, which he quickly put to work photographing the rarified slice of American life in which he lived in Haverford, a suburb just north-west of Philadelphia on the historic Main Line. “The neighbourhood where I lived was it was located between Haverford College and Merion Golf Club, so that was our backyard growing up,” says Vogt. “We spent a lot of time in open spaces riding bikes – and riding on the golf course when you weren’t supposed to. It was a great place to be a kid.”…

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